- Accessibility Requirements for educational packages in dotLRN
- Abstract: dotLRN open source developers community is making a great effort to improve the user interface of this learning management system and to adapt it to the accessibility requirements proposed by the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative. This paper contributes to this task by analyzing the current accessibility status of three fundamental packages for dotLRN future: LORS, Assessment and IMS-LD and providing appropriate recommendations. These packages provide the educational standards support in the platform. More specifically, they implement SCORM, IMS-CP, IMS-QTI, IMS-LD and IMSMD
specifications. - Author: Olga Revilla
- Conference: FLOSS International Conference
- Where: Jerez de la Frontera (Spain)
- When: March 2007
- ISBN: 978-84-9828-124-8
- .LRN – Lors & Assesments Packages: Accessibility inspection
- Abstract: Presentation of an accessibility inspection to 2 of the most important packages of .LRN. Results show the evolution since last inspection and suggest the changes needed.
- Author: Olga Revilla
- Conference:OpenACS and .LRN Spring Conference (International Conference and Workshops on Community Based Environments). Workshop: Experiences on Accessible eLearning Platforms
- Where: Vienna (Austria)
- When: April 2007
- Usability in e-Learning Platforms: heuristics comparison between Moodle, Sakai and dotLRN
- Abstract: Recently, educational institutions largely adopted open source elearning platforms. Several studies and comparisons between those platforms were conducted. However, these analyses were more focused into purely technical issues (standards support, development platform used, scalability, etc.) than into functional issues. It was noted that most of the e-learning solutions are not optimal from the end-user point of view: they can be hard and tedious to use, potentially resulting in higher abandon rates. There is therefore a need to focus into usability to work toward more usable and user-centered elearning platforms. This paper details the used methodology based on heuristics to allow an objective usability evaluation of three of the main e-learning open source platforms: Moodle, Sakai and dotLRN. The results of the comparative evaluations are exposed.
- Author: Ludivine Martin, David Roldán Martínez, Olga Revilla, Maria José Aguilar, Olga C. Santos, Jesús G. Boticario
- Conference:2ª. Conferencia Internacional E-Learning Integral 2.0 Y 6ª. Conferencia Internacional de OpenACS y .LRN
- Where: Guatemala
- When: February 2008
- ISBN: 978-99922-2-434-2
- Can dotLRN be administered by all professors?
- Abstract: This paper presents the results of an accessibility analysis of the class administration level of dotLRN. It involves the analysis of the administration functionality of the educational packages: Lors (SCORM, IMS-CP, IMS-MD) and Assessment (IMS-QTI). The analysis presented is done on version dotLRN 2.3.1, with Zen theme, in the instance available for ALPE project (eTEN 029328), a validation project involving an accessible, standard based e-learning solution for visually impaired, hearing impaired and adult learners that lack basic skills.
- Author:Olga Revilla
- Conference:2ª. Conferencia Internacional E-Learning Integral 2.0 Y 6ª. Conferencia Internacional de OpenACS y .LRN
- Where: Guatemala
- When: February 2008
- ISBN: 978-99922-2-434-2
- Ten requirements for eLearning platforms to support disabled teachers
- Abstract: Requirements for eLearning platforms have usually focused on the learners’ needs. However, very little studies analyze the required support from the teachers’ perspective, especially when the teachers have one or more disabilities. I have analyzed the problems disabled teachers face at the workplace and identified ten requirements for eLearning platforms to overcome them.
- Author:Olga Revilla
- Journal: Learning Technology, publication of IEEE Computer Society
- Where: Volume 10 Issue 3
- When: July 2008
- ISSN: 1438-0625
- Mailing Lists Digests In Infoxication Age
- Abstract: How to cope with information anxiety by information architure.
- Author:Olga Revilla
- Conference: EuroIA 2008. European Summit for Information Architecture
- Where: Amsterdam (Netherlands)
- When: October 2008
- E-learning: a tool for teachers with a disability
- Springer LNCS online version
- Abstract: Usability and accessibility in e-Learning has usually focused on the learners’ experience and how to improve the learning efficiency. However, very little studies analyze the accessibility and usability issues from the teachers’ point of view, especially when the teachers have one or more disabilities. Teachers with disabilities find it very difficult to manage in their off-line jobs. Therefore, it is expected that technology can make them easier to work as online teachers. In this paper, I will summarize which troubles Spanish teachers with disabilities at Elementary degree find out in their job and how the elearning can improve their quality of job life.
- Author:Olga Revilla
- Conference: USAB 2008 – Usability & HCI for Education and Work. 4th Symposium of the WG HCI&UE of the Austrian Computer Society
- Where: Graz (Austria)
- When: November 2008
- ISBN 10: 3540768041
- ISBN-13: 978-3540768043
- ¿Es mi sitio web accesible?
- Online version in dotNetMania
- Abstract:En las administraciones públicas o grandes empresas nos encontraremos siempre con el requisito obligatorio de que las aplicaciones o sitios Web que desarrollemos tienen que ser accesibles. A lo largo de este artículo explicamos qué implica la accesibilidad Web y cómo se logra.
- Authors:Olga Revilla and David Provencio
- Journal: dot Net Manía
- Number: 64
- When: October 2009
- ISSN: 1698-5451
- Accesibilidad y adaptación centrada en los profesores
- Abstract: Teacher’s needs on education nowadays
- Author:Olga Revilla
- Conference: Cava 2009. I Congresos Internacional de Ambientes Virtuales de Aprendizaje Adaptativos y Accessibles – Competencias para todos
- Where: Montería (Colombia)
- When: September 2009
- How accessibility issues affect Information Architecture
- Abstract: When designing complex systems, applications, websites, etc., accessibility issues should be considered before the very first line is skecthed on the initial draft proposal for the design, not only for governmental and corporate websites, but also for advertising products or intranets. However, accepting the user diversity implies a certain number of constrains and requirements that have to be taken into account when creating our prototypes. This will allow us to save time, money and gain sustainability in our projects.
- Author:Olga Revilla
- Conference: EuroIA 2009. European Summit for Information Architecture
- Where: Copenhaguen (Denmark)
- When: October 2009
- From consultancy to teaching
- Abstract:I had been invited to teach User Centred Design (UCD) at a university. Being a 32-year-old User Experience (UX) consultant with a work experience of ten years, should be a great background for transmitting my know-how to 19-year-old Design students. Suddenly, I realized that most of my knowledge in the field has come from non-university methods: jobs, blogs, Internet references, books, etc.; all not very scientific stuff for teaching at the university. So I started to research what was taught in other places about UCD and found that very little was done at universities. (Or public information was very difficult to find.) Then I turned to the places where I had learned and noticed that this discipline (I still don’t consider it a ‘science’) is mostly done by non-scientific professionals of design, librarianship, engineering and hundreds of other different backgrounds and profiles that had all given their “two cents worth” based on their experience. So here are my “two cents worth” based on my experience, what I learned and what I teach on my courses.
- Authors:Olga Revilla
- Book: UX Story Tellers
- Number: 1
- When: 2010
- Reducción del estrés en profesores mediante soporte TIC
- Abstract:Este artículo describe un proyecto de soporte en tecnologías de la información y comunicación para profesores de secundaria española que pretende reducir los niveles de estrés y burnout. En primer lugar se identifican algunas de las características de los sujetos de estudio. A continuación, se presenta un programa de soporte con el objetivo de reducir dichos problemas psicológicos a través de un acercamiento a las TIC. Por último, se propone una prueba de validación del soporte mediante la medición de las escalas de estrés y burnout estándares.
- Authors:Olga Revilla, Joaquín Fernández Sánchez and Jose Maria Monguet Fierro
- Journal: Revista Internacional Magisterio.
- Number: 52. Inclusión e Innovación educativa con uso de TIC: accesibilidad y adaptatividad
- Where: Bogotá (Colombia)
- When: September – October 2011
- ISSN: 1692-4053
- Agentes Conversacionales e Interacción en Lenguaje Natural: Técnicas y Prácticas Efectivas
- Abstract: Recensión del libro «Conversational Agents and Natural Language Interaction: Techniques and Effective Practices» de Diana Pérez e Ismael Pascual.
- Authors:Olga Revilla
- Journal: Enl@ce. Revista Venezolana de Información, Tecnología y Conocimiento
- Number: 8 – 3
- Where: Caracas (Venezuela)
- When: September – December 2011
- ISSN: 1690-7515
- Reducing techno-anxiety in high school teachers by improving their ICT problem-solving skills
- Abstract:Teachers need to continuously update their information and communication technologies (ICT) knowledge, but they are usually not trained to deal with the problems arising from their use. In fact, studies in the literature report techno-anxiety (i.e. unpleasant physiological activation and discomfort due to present or future use of ICT) in teachers. Thus, the goal of this action research is to study if teachers’ techno-anxiety can be reduced by increasing their ability to solve technological problems. An inter-subject experiment has been carried out with 46 teachers. High school teachers were chosen because they are digital immigrants, while at the moment of this research their students are digital natives (born around year 2000). Since we could not find any specific training for teachers to increase their resolution skills of technological problems, in order to apply the treatment for our study, we have designed and deployed an online course about ICT problem-solving skills based on the 70/20/10 model for learning and development. Results show the success of the course when it comes to increasing the ICT problem-solving skills and to reducing techno-anxiety.
- Authors:Olga Revilla Muñoz, Francisco Alpiste Penalba, Joaquín Fernández Sánchez and Olga C. Santos
- Journal: Behaviour & Information Technology
- When: September 2016
- ISSN: 1362-3001
- The Skills, Competences, and Attitude toward Information and Communications Technology Recommender System: an online support program for teachers with personalized recommendations
- Abstract:Teachers deal with Information and Communications Technology (ICT) every day and they often have to solve problems by themselves. To help them in coping with this issue, an online support program has been created, where teachers can pose their problems on ICT and they can receive solutions from other teachers. A Recommender System has been defined and implemented into the support program to suggest to each teacher the most suitable solution based on her Skills, Competences, and Attitude toward ICT (SCAT-ICT). The support program has initially been populated with 70 problems from 86 teachers. 30 teachers grouped these problems into six categories with the card-sorting technique. Real solutions to these problems have been proposed by 25 trained teachers. Finally, 17 teachers evaluated the usability of the support program and the Recommender System, where results showed a high score on the standardized System Usability Scale.
- Authors:Olga Revilla Muñoz, Francisco Alpiste Penalba and Joaquín Fernández Sánchez
- Journal: New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia
- Number:22
- When: June 2015
- ISSN:1740-7842
- Influencia de la capacidad de resolución de problemas relacionados con la tecnología en el tecnoestrés de profesores de secundaria
- Abstract:Los profesores de secundaria se enfrentan a una constante obligación de mantenerse actualizados en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC). Sin embargo, nadie les da formación o soporte sobre cómo afrontar los problemas derivados del uso de las TIC. Algunos de ellos pueden contactar con personal técnico o preguntar a otros compañeros, pero en muchas ocasiones tienen que arreglárselas por sí mismos. Por otro lado, el estrés es uno de los principales problemas que tienen los profesores de secundaria. Parte de este estrés global deriva del tecnoestrés, o estrés generado por el uso de las TIC. El tecnoestrés es un constructo complejo, y del que existen diferentes tipologías. En esta investigación se han tenido en cuenta dos tipologías: la tecnoansiedad y la tecnofatiga. Para solventar ambos problemas, esta investigación se pone como objetivo ayudar a los profesores de secundaria a reducir su tecnoestrés al mismo tiempo que se aumente su capacidad de resolución de problemas tecnológicos. Para ello se han enunciado tres hipótesis: I. Se puede aumentar la capacidad de resolución de problemas relacionados con la tecnología por medio de un curso en línea. II. La tecnofatiga puede disminuir a medida que aumenta la capacidad de resolver problemas relacionados con la tecnología III. La tecnoansiedad puede disminuir a medida que aumenta la capacidad de resolver problemas relacionados con la tecnología Para ello se ha realizado un experimento intersujeto con un grupo experimental y otro grupo de control, cada uno de 23 profesores. El grupo experimental siguió un curso en línea basado en el modelo educativo 70/20/10 de «Resolución de problemas relacionados con la tecnología» durante 10 semanas, mientras que el grupo de control no siguió el curso. A ambos grupos se les ha medido sus niveles de tecnoestrés antes y después del curso, así como su capacidad de resolución de problemas relacionados con la tecnología. La medición del tecnoestrés se ha realizado con el cuestionario RED_Tecnoestrés, una herramienta española, creada bajo el patrocinio del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología y adoptada por el Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales, para medir y diagnosticar el tecnoestrés en trabajadores españoles. La capacidad de resolución de problemas se ha medido mediante la metodología propuesta por Molleda et al. en «La adquisición de competencias transversales en la universidad. Aplicación a la resolución de problemas», presentada en las IX Jornadas Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria de 2011. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto el éxito del curso a la hora de aumentar la capacidad de resolución de problemas, y de reducir la tecnoansiedad, ambos con diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Sin embargo, la tecnofatiga no muestra signos de variación evidentes, por lo que se hace necesario revisar el planteamiento del curso para cubrir esta necesidad..
- Author:Olga Revilla Muñoz
- Where:Tesis doctoral en Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d’Expressió Gràfica a l’Enginyeria
- When: September 2015